Monday, November 11, 2013

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I'm thrilled to be back on the blog! I must apologize for the extended departure, but I sold a house, bought another, and moved across country with the whole family. There was simply no time for blogging. Or showering (kidding on that last one... ).
What a ride it has been! We successfully pulled this thing off, and have now landed in the beautiful forests of Wake Forest, North Carolina! During this whole ordeal my whole remarkable family has kept smiles on their faces and and a sparkle in the eye.
Despite tons of stress, extended separations, 3 days in a car, 1 month living with in-laws and one very tedious real-estate transaction, we all remained happy, HEALTHY, and a tight unit.

As I have landed with both feet on the ground and technology back at my fingertips, I am re-launching my Shaklee business, and my blog! Hooray!
My contact information is mostly the same, except for the physical mailing address, and if you need it, you will have it.
My online store is still, I am still on Facebook as well.

I could not be more excited to be back, and I'd love to hear from you!

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