Wednesday, February 20, 2013

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Did you know about magnesium?

I learned recently about the many symptoms of magnesium deficiency. I found it interesting that as much as 57% of Americans are deficient in magnesium, and don't know it! The symptoms can truly interfere with daily life and could often be misdiagnosed as depression, and then overly medicated.
As I read the list of symptoms, (WebMd), I decided to give it a try.

Inflammation markers are higher in people with low magnesium, and my joints are often inflamed. Sleep problems, headaches and dizziness were a couple of others mentioned.

I started taking a calcium/magnesium supplement two weeks ago, and just have to report my experience;
I am beyond amazed at what these 4 little chewables have done for me in this short time. I sleep better, I have no headaches and have a calmer disposition.

Not to mention the calcium part of this- it will help with digestion, make my bones stronger, and help prevent osteoporosis.

Since this particular product comes from the #1 natural nutrition company in the US, Shaklee, you know it is safe and effective!

Check it out for yourself, and see what benefits you can gain!

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