Saturday, November 17, 2012

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Christmas Almonds- made in the Crock Pot!

I know, its only November, but I had to TRY the recipe before I make to for others, right?!
I mixed up a few recipes I've run across before, and came up with this devilishly tasty almond treat.

You will need:

3 cups raw almonds
1 1/2 cup brown sugar (light or dark!)
1 cup white sugar
2 teaspoons salt (sea salt is preferred if you have!)
2 tablespoons cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon cardamum
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

1 egg white
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoon water

1/4 cup of water, or apple juice

Coconut oil

Powdered sugar

In a large bowl, mix up sugar and spice and everything nice. No, just kidding. Not the nice part.

In another bowl mix the egg white and the vanilla extract, and the 1 tablespoon water, until blended well.
Add the almonds to the egg white mix, and make sure they all get coated. Then combine with the sugar mixture.
Mix well, ensuring all almonds are well coated in sugar mixture.

Grease the crock pot bottom and walls with coconut oil, and put crock on low heat. Add the almond mixture, put the lid on.
If you can, try to come back and give it a stir ever so often. Let it cook about 3-4 hours on low, lid on.
At this point it should get really hot, and starting to melt the sugar slightly- add the liquid (water or apple juice). It should hiss and sputter a little bit- stir well!

Cook with lid on for another 30 minutes or so, stirring frequently! When it thickens alot, take them out with a spoon and spread over parchment paper. Once the cool off enough to touch- get in there with your fingers and separate them completely, and place them in a bowl. Before they completely cool, sift some powdered sugar over them, and mix well- coating all the little golden brown nuggets of goodness with a coating of "snow". Let dry completely (if they make it that long), put in a pretty jar- and gift to someone you really love.

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