Sunday, November 6, 2016

Election Reflection

Instead of telling you why Trump and his followers make me cry at night, why it scares me so much that the political climate in this country is where it is, I have decided to just tell you why I vote the way I vote.

I am a climate voter. I am of the belief that if we take care of our planet, our environment near and far, we have a brighter future ahead. I believe that if we neglect to listen to the facts, the evidence (as solid as any evidence for gravity), we are in for a lot of hurt. It will not matter who you elect, how many guns you have, or what car you drive.
We MUST take care of this planet, it is the only home we have. Like it or not, climate change is real, and your children and grandchildren will live with your decision. If everyone decides to do something NOW, we still have a chance to minimize the damage. If not, your grandchildren will only be able to see Polar Bears in the zoo. But not in New York, because that city will be under water.
The politicians you elect have alot to do with how our future looks. If you elect a politician owned by the oil companies, guess what?! He won't vote for reduced emission or solar plants or green jobs bills.
A proud day for all of earth came on November 4th of this year. The Paris Treaty became international law. This was a huge milestone, that millions of people have worked to make reality. Its a reason for hope and cheer. It means that the countries in the world responsible for 70% of emissions, are working under the same rules and regulations to shrink emission and battle the rising temperatures of the earth. This is huge! If you do not understand how important this is, let me point out a couple of things.
Rising temperatures allow for immensely more mosquitoes, and a tremendous rise in disease spread by them. Just to mention a few; Zika, Malaria, West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever and more.
Rising temperatures melt the polar ice caps, causing Polar Bears to go extinct. Within the next 30 years.
Rising temperatures raise the sea levels, displacing millions of people in the next 100 years. Yes, that's when your children and grandchildren live.
Rising temperatures prevent frost in the Rocky Mountains to kill off the Pine Beetle, killing 90 percent of the pine forest in the next 100 years. Again, that's when your grandbabies are living.
There's thousands of examples like these, these are real, very real consequences. This cannot be ignored. The uttermost selfishness would be to vote for someone who does not "believe" in climate change. It is ludicrous and dilutional at best. The evidence for man made climate change and warming of the earth, is as strong as evidence for gravity. Unless you don't believe in gravity
So, this is how I vote. If the politician is in favor of working hard to slow, and prevent climate change, and their general agenda is one of social fairness, equality, and common sense, they have my vote.
Watch Leonardo DiCaprio's documentary, Before the Flood. Just do it.

Be kind.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Earth Day Contemplations

Earth Day. It's a day when the world, for one day, think alittle extra about this home of ours. This one and only home. "Maybe I should not throw that trash out the car window", "Maybe I should throw that bottle in a recycle bin". It simply is not enough friends. We are so far beyond those basics, and it is so urgent.
What does not matter: nationality, race, religion, politics, money, war, borders.
If we can not breathe, if our homes are destroyed by natural disasters, guess what- none of those things matter.

We have to do better. Start in your home. And I'm not going to say "start small"- because we are way beyond that point.
  • NO "disposable" water bottles- ever. Refill your own bottles. Glass.
  • Use cloth napkins. Wash in cold water- hang outside to dry. 
  • Recycle everything that you possibly can. 
  • Eat organic only. 
  • Compost.
  • Hang your sheets and towels to dry outside. 
  • Get rid of chemical ridden "household" products. Use biodegradable alternatives (like Shakee)
  • Stop eating "factory" meat. If you must eat meat- make it local, make it grass fed and sustainable
  • Only use heat and AC when you absolutely have to. Keep HVAC well maintained. 
  • Unplug chargers, computers, appliances that you don't use. 
  • Fill your home, inside and outside, with plants. 
  • Never idle your car. 
  • Bring your own bags to the grocery store, or if you forget, ask for paper. Recycle it. Never plastic. 
  • TP and Paper Towels- buy recycled, un-bleached. 
  • Read the Lorax. Understand it. Share it. 
  • Watch Wall-E. Understand it. Share it.  
These are things you can implement in your home NOW. Being lazy is not an option. There's so much more we can do, and must do. Tread gently on this earth, it is our only home, and we are all part of this together.